

Eighty-five percent of all of the food consumed in Hawai'i is grown outside of the state. Revitalization of the agricultural industry through certification programs will offer both technical and hands-on learning, improve production efficiency, and share new marketing strategies needed to ensure the economic viability of food production and sustainability in Hawai`i.




The challenges faced by the alternative energy sector are: the diversity and number of employers, many of them small; ever changing technologies; and needs for training and coordination. The most significant state energy efforts are found in the Hawaii. Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI). HCEI outlines an aggressive goal of 70% clean energy for the state by 2030. This initiative requires the acceleration of workforce development in multiple green sectors.



The healthcare system in Hawaii suffers from an ongoing lack of specialty healthcare workers, and therefore healthcare providers have had to import personnel across neighboring islands and from the mainland U.S. to meet regional needs.The present and future employment outlook in most health science fields is growing at a rate much faster that the national average.

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