
Course Description

The 144-hour non-credit internship provides students with professional experience in agriculture working with an existing Hawaii ag producer as part of their agriculture business. Upon satisfactory completion that includes time verification and evaluations, student receives a completion certificate, but more importantly, an ability to know if they want to work with that ag producer, and they with them, into the future.

The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Gain practical experience within the local agriculture scene.
  • Acquire knowledge of the host’s business in which the internship is done.
  • Apply knowledge and skills they have learned about local ag in a work setting.
  • Develop a greater understanding about their abilities and Hawaii ag career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.
  • Learn from experience the activities and functions of local business professionals.
  • Develop and refine their own local ag skills and written communication skills related to a business plan.


1. This course is reserved for pre-qualified individuals.
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