
Course Description

So you've built your app or your database or whatever your workload is. Now you want to get it running, and you want to do it both quickly and elegantly. Enter Helm. 

Helm makes it super-easy to install standard workloads on Kubernetes. And with the magic of the integrated Helm Charts feature, it provides a model to describe even the most complex Kubernetes applications.The best part? It does all this repeatably and reliably. 

In this course, you will learn in detail about the above-mentioned Helm features, how it integrates with Kubernetes, and--perhaps most importantly--you will get hands-on experience with actually using Helm to deploy, upgrade and manage an application. 
If you want to simplify your deployments, you need to know about Helm. 

To register and for more information, go to: https://learn.kumul.us/courses/helm-100

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