
Course Description

Prepared foods are a tremendous market opportunity in Hawaii--whether these are sold in local and regional markets, or to global markets via export. Learn about the various channels of distribution for prepared foods, the size and growth of these categories, the features today's consumers are seeking, and how foods can be differentiated so that they command a premium price.

Learner Outcomes

Course SLO 1: Understand the process by which a new
food business can be established, and what critical knowledge of the
marketplace will be required.

Course SLO 2: Recognize the consumer trends that
exist in the marketplace today, and also the various channels of distribution
that exist today, and how a niche business can be quite successful. 

Course SLO 3: Understand the elements of a
business plan that will need to be addressed, including the development of a
"unique selling proposition", product strategy, market strategy,
management team, competitive assessment, and detailed financial plan.

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