
Course Description

This course is an interactive course focusing on enumerating, scanning, hacking, and securing computer systems. Students will gain practical experience in both cyber attack and defense strategies and tactics. This course emphasizes ethical and legal issues related to cyber attacks and defense.

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Identify, describe, and apply current cyber attack, defense incident response, and recovery strategies, tactics, countermeasures, and best practices using current cyber defense tools, methods, and components. 2. Identify the bad actors in cyberspace and compare and contrast their resources, capabilities/techniques, motivations, aversion to risk, and threat potential. 3. List the applicable ethical issues, laws and policies related to cyber defense and digital forensics and describe the major components of each pertaining to the storage and transmission of data and resolution of legal disputes. 4. Examine the architecture of a typical, complex system and identify significant vulnerabilities, risks, and points at which specific security technologies/methods should be employed.


Students must be admitted to Kapi'olani Community College as a credit student prior to enrolling in this program.
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