
Course Description

Are you ready to level up?  
Join us for an exciting six weeks of education and coaching leading up to your participation in the 2024 Made in Hawaii Festival at the Hawaii Convention Center August 23 - August 25.  We are thrilled to partner with DBEDT and feature shared booth space to create our very own MAKERS ALLEY.  

We will get you ready to make the most out of Hawaii's largest consumer show and take advantage of the over 50,000 attendees throughout the three days.  Components of the education program include brand and marketing, packaging for success, scaling production, tradeshow/event visuals, resourcing, and weekly coaching. 

Your business will be responsible for meeting all show requirements by August 1.  Only consumer packaged goods will be considered and all products sold will need to meet Made in Hawaii standards.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Online - Real-time
5:30PM to 7:30PM
Jul 09, 2024 to Aug 13, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $300.00
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