
Course Description

This non-credit community series will run in two parts of four weeks with unique topics in each week each for a total of eight weeks during this summer. The focus is on expanding our student-encouragement-life-skills-coaching Tool Box. Participants will discuss traditional Hawaiian concepts and contemporary cultural practices that would support and inspire others along their academic career pathway as we aspire to live our best life in the modern world.

Successful completion is demonstrated with participants organizing a folio of all their worksheets into a resource kit on the last day. Participants who successfully complete Part I and Part II series of this course will receive a certificate of Professional Development and a microcredential.

Learner Outcomes

1. Student will acquire Hawaiian language to use in providing academic/career counseling.
2. Student will integrate traditional Hawaiian and contemporary-local folklore into their counseling practice.
3. Student will gain a better understanding of how to tie Hawaiian cultural norms to academic/career counseling.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
12:00PM to 1:00PM
Jul 11, 2024 to Aug 01, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $0.00
Section Notes

Part 2 (Thursday track)

You must register to receive a craft kit. Walk-ins welcome on a space available basis.

To receive a microcredential please register for Part I and Part II.

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