
Course Description

Ku Punawai Series 2024 - ZUMBA

Date: July 2 - August 6, 2024 (Every Tuesdays for 6 weeks) Time: 4:45 -5:30 pm

Maile Building 101 - Dance Studio

Instructor: Frances Hokama

Every session is a big Zumba party! Zumba is a fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance moves, creating an exciting, exhilarating program. Zumba integrates the basic principles of aerobic, interval, and resistance training to ensure you have a productive, fun workout. The dance movements are easy to follow (you don’t need any dance experience!) and will tone all of your major muscles, from head to toe, including the most important muscle of all – your heart.

Learner Outcomes

Students will build stamina and endurance, improve coordination, and relieve stress. Students will receive cardiovascular and muscle-toning benefits with every session. Strengthening their core will improve their posture and burning calories will help with weight loss. Everyone is encouraged to go at their own pace.


Disability Information:

If you are a student with a documented disability and have not voluntarily disclosed the nature of your disability, we may coordinate the accommodations you need. In that case, you are invited to contact the Disability Support Services Office (DSSO) in `Ilima 107, ph. (808)734-9552, or email kapdss@hawaii.edu for assistance. For students whose primary disability is Deaf or hard of hearing, contact the Kapi`olani Community College Deaf Center, ph. (808)734-9891 / (808)447-3141(VP) or email jfried@hawaii.edu.


Refund Policy:

100% Refund Period:  10 business days prior to the first day of instruction

50% Refund Period:  5-9 business days prior to the first day of instruction

0% Refund Period (non-refundable):  0-4 business days prior to the first day of instruction


Help with Online Registration and Refund Questions Contact:

Kekaulike Center`s Noncredit Registration at (808) 734-9211 or email: kccocet@hawaii.edu

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