
Course Description

The MLI Regular Session builds and improves the English skills of students through the teaching of curriculum including the topics of Listening and Speaking, Reading and Vocabulary, Writing, and Cultural Studies. Students will learn and practice grammatical structures and use them in practice exercises and presentations. The courses build student oral English skills through the practice of conversational speaking and presentations. Students will research and present on cultural topics, and their projects include describing, comparing and contrasting, discussing causes and effects, and argumentation. Students will build writing skills from writing paragraphs to essays. Depending on the module, students write descriptions, processes, compare/contrast, problem/solution, and/or cause and effect paragraphs and essays. Students will build skills required to become independent readers and thinkers.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
M, T, W, Th, F
9:00AM to 1:05PM
Mar 10, 2025 to May 09, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
In-person (Maui)  
Course Fee(s)
General non-credit $2,300.00
Section Notes

Foreign students seeking an F-1 visa must complete the F-1 application and meet other eligibility requirements before registering. See http://maui.hawaii.edu/mli/apply/.

Non-F1 visa students and State of Hawaii residents must complete the non-F1 application form and complete screening before registering. See http://maui.hawaii.edu/mli/apply/.

Please email the MLI program coordinator at uhmcmli@hawaii.edu should you have any questions.

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