
Course Description

In this course, students learn the fundamentals of designing user-friendly websites while ensuring accessibility for all users. The course covers the basics of UX/UI design and principles of ADA compliance. Students will apply their knowledge of UX/UI fundamentals and ADA compliance principles through hands-on exercises and projects. This practical experience will equip them with the skills needed to tackle real-world design challenges. By the end of this course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue further education or professional opportunities in these domains.

Course Outline

This course teaches you the basics of creating websites that are:
  • User-friendly (Fun and easy for anyone to navigate)
  • Accessible (Usable by people with disabilities).

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to:

  • Build websites people love to use.
  • Pursue a career in web design.

Learner Outcomes

  • Understanding the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles, including principles of layout, typography, color theory, visual hierarchy, and usability.
  • Effectively organizing information and creating interactive elements and animations to support messaging goals, optimize user navigation, and enhance engagement.
  • Understanding and implementing ADA compliance principles in website design and content creation.
  • Developing wireframes and prototypes to visualize and test website functionality.
  • Implementing accessibility features following WCAG and WAI-ARIA guidelines for inclusive accessible website design.
  • Designing responsive and mobile-friendly interfaces for diverse devices.


Tech Requirements:
Computer: Reliable with high-speed internet.
Camera & Microphone: For online class through Zoom
Software Savvy: Downloading, installing, and web browsing with different browsers.
Zoom Ready: Camera always on.
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