
Course Description

A one year, cohort-based program to prime novitiate actors for entering the workforce with their best foot forward, forearmed with specific career-oriented training, industry-standard knowledge and industry-standard skills and credentials. The courses prepare students for a wide array of employment opportunities on stage, on screen (in television/film/streaming), in the writer’s room, or as creators of their own original content for user-generated platforms.

Course Outline

A one year, cohort-based program to prime novitiate actors for entering the workforce with their best foot forward, forearmed with specific career-oriented training, industry-standard knowledge and industry-standard skills and credentials. The courses prepare students for a wide array of employment opportunities on stage, on screen (in television/film/streaming), in the writer’s room, or as creators of their own original content for user-generated platforms.


Selection through an audition.
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