
Course Description

Dev Island’s Jumpstart program aims to enable islanders to expand their skill sets and find meaningful employment in the growing  digital marketing industry while working alongside local businesses to help them grow and reach their targeted audiences. This will benefit the entire community by promoting economic diversification and creating more stable job opportunities for local residents without requiring them to leave the island.

Learner Outcomes

The program will consist of a comprehensive onboarding plan in digital marketing and social media marketing. Which includes: Google AdWords Certification, Google Analytics Certification, and Microsoft Advertising Certification; Facebook Advertising Certification, LinkedIn Advertising certification, and multiple certifications in HubSpot Academy around SEO Optimization and Customer Relationship Management platforms (CRM) best practices. Beyond the certifications students will also learn social media marketing, marketing analysis, and reporting. Lastly, in addition to digital marketing, Jumpstart will be teaching workplace professionalism, client communication etiquette, and interviewing skills.


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