
Course Description

Examine the importance of sustainable coffee production, the impact of coffee on the environment and communities. New developments in the industry

Course Outline

Topic 1

Coffee Origins and History of coffee on Maui:

Explore the different coffee-growing regions around the world and the unique flavor profiles associated with each.

Topic 2

Coffee Farming and Processing:

Learn about the cultivation of coffee plants, harvesting methods, and various processing techniques (e.g., washed, natural, honey-processed).

Topic 3


Dive into the art and science of coffee roasting, including roast levels, profiles, and the impact on flavor.

Topic 4

Brewing Methods:

Cover various coffee brewing techniques such as pour-over, French press, espresso, AeroPress, and cold brew.

Topic 5

Coffee Quality Control:

Learn about quality grading, sorting, see the optical sorter, and how to evaluate coffee for aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste.

Topic 6


Practise cupping coffee, evaluate different coffees, introduction to what it takes to become a Q grader

Topic 7

Field Trip 

O'o Farm, see a fully operational coffee farm includes "hands on coffee farm activities 

Topic 8

Sustainability, technology, research and the future of Maui coffee

Examine the importance of sustainable coffee production, the impact of coffee on the environment and communities. New developments in the industry

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