
Course Description

This course examines a Hawaiian practice for restoring harmony and balance in self, among family members, and in community from prehistoric times to its current use with families. Attention is on integrating the function and essence of ho?opono and social work with 21st century families at a ho?opono introductory level.

Learner Outcomes

• SLO-1: Analyze the theory & objectives of Lomilomi, by understanding the lineage of the different styles of lomilomi and the process to become a kanaka lomilomi.

• SLO-2: Understand the kuleana of the practitioner including ethical responsibilities. How to prepare mentally, setting intention and mindset implementing components of Emotional Intelligence.

• SLO-3: Understand the benefits and contraindications of lomilomi acquiring a basic knowledge of the anatomy and insight into trigger points that stimulate and promote or deter healing.

• SLO-4: Ability to demonstrate effective written communication through course assignments and patient assessment.

• SLO-5: Ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge and skill of giving a noho lomi (Seated neck and shoulder lomilomi) and full body lomi base routine.

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