
Course Description

Achieve Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Certification and be nationally recognized as a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT). PTCB Certification offers many benefits that may include securing a job, job promotion opportunities, recognition within the pharmacy profession, and improved patient safety. Under the guidance of a Hawaii licensed Pharmacist, you'll gain knowledge of the exam format and content, access Pharmacy Certification Practice Exam (PTCE) practice tests, and develop a better understanding of the specific domains and areas covered in the PTCE.

Enrollment eligibility requirements include: High school diploma, or equivalent educational diploma, copy of criminal background check, and currently employed as a non-designated pharmacy technician for at least one year. Course registration fee includes the PTCE Exam.


Joy Mahiko 
Workforce Development Coordinator

For assistance call our office at 455-0477.


Enrollment eligibility requirements include: High school diploma, or equivalent educational diploma, copy of criminal background check, and currently employed as a non-designated pharmacy technician for at least one year. Course registration fee includes the PTCE exam.
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