FIT8100 - Ocean Safety Educational Course
Course Description
This is a six-hour in-person course.
This course is being offered at the following campuses:
- Hawai'i Community College
- Kaua'i Community College
- Windward Community College
- UH Maui College (pending)
Please make sure you are enrolling in the correct location.
Learn about the legal and regulatory requirements for persons who participate in the sport of tow-in surfing in Hawai‘i; risk management principles; local ocean safety principles and practices; rules and laws pertaining to protected species in ocean waters in Hawai‘i; boating skills as they apply to the sport of tow-in surfing; and the historical, cultural, and customary practices of Hawai‘i's ocean users. Effective September 2003, all recreational thrill craft (personal watercraft) operators participating in the sport of tow-in surfing in Hawaii must complete this approved ocean safety education course. We have courses that are held on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui and Oahu.
- You must provide PROOF OF SAFE BOATING and REC THRILL CRAFT course completion.
- A face mask must be worn in class.
Registration closes 2 working days prior to start of course.
Learner Outcomes
1. Display an understanding of Ocean Safety Principles and Practices developed and utilized by ocean safety professionals in the State of Hawai’i;2. Identify Federal and State of Hawaii Administrative rules as they apply to boating, thrill craft operation, and tow-in surfing;
3. Show an understanding of the equipment design, function, basic operation and maintenance of the Personal Water Craft;
4. Apply historical, cultural, and customary ocean recreation practices relating to the near shore waters of the Hawaiian Islands;
5. Identify environmental and cultural issues as they relate to boating sports and tow-in surfing activities.