AGR6255 - Permaculture Design Certification
Course Description
This international certification is the global standard for Permaculture Consultants & Designers consists of the required 72-hours of training plus additional hands-on activities with instructors Evan Ryan, Jenny Pell and Rosa Maicas. The course integrates regenerative agriculture practices including keyline design, holistic management for home gardeners, landscapers, farmers, ranchers, architects, land owners, teachers, and sustainable businesses.
We focus on Permaculture as a framework for understanding and integrating the vast diversity of technologies and trends in the movement of sustainability, and using Permaculture ethics and skills as a new cultural paradigm.
- MODULE 1: Origins, Ethics & Principles, Permaculture Design, Soil, Water, Trees, Climate, Zones & Sectors, Themes and methods of design, field trips, land assessments, group dynamics and presentations.
- MODULE 2: Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Farming, Holistic Management in the subtropics, Keyline Design, Tropical Agroforestry & Food Forest, Aquaculture Systems, Patterns in Nature, Bee repopulation & Climate Change Solutions, Rotational Grazing & Bees, Medicinal plants at your feet, Field Trips and group dynamics..
- MODULE 3: The Social Aspect of Permaculture, Transition Towns, Ecovillage Design, Alternative Economies, Problem Solving, Community, Urban Permaculture, Bioregions and group dynamics..
- MODULE 4: Natural Building & Climate Design, Alternative Technologies, Moving Forward from here, Consultation & Design Work and Design Projects & Presentations, hands-on implementation of the main campus garden design we will do in class.
If you experience any issues registering online, please contact our registration desk at 808-984-3231 from 8:30am-4:00pm, Mon-Fri. We can also accept payment via credit card, check or cash in person at our Laulima Building registration office at the front desk, UH Maui Campus.
Learner Outcomes
- The ability to interpret a landscape and its ecological implications.
- Effective communication of these interpretations through maps, graphical analysis and assessment & group presentations.
- Their key ecological design strategies.
- Their discovery & development of the relationships between elements, goals & site realities.
- Proficiency with design methods & techniques, observation, pattern recognition & systems understanding.
- The application of Permaculture Ethics and Principles in their designs.
- The vision & ability to implement solutions on a personal level in their culture.
Please bring the following to class:
Notebook, colours pens & pencils
Compass & landscape ruler
The designers manual if you have it
Your own coffee, water, water bottles, snacks & lunch